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General Information about BriteCo

General Information about Insurance and BriteCo

Updated over a week ago

Why BriteCo jewelry insurance?

Insurance through BriteCo is designed to protect against risks specific to jewelry. Most other insurance isn't. Homeowner's insurance, renter's insurance, even jewelry warranties typically do not adequately protect jewelry.

Is fine jewelry (or a watch) worth insuring?

Yes! We certainly think so. You only need to ask yourself one question - Do I want to pay 100% out of pocket to replace this piece of jewelry if something were to happen to it? The answer is generally no, you wouldn’t want to. If the item is insured we’ll cover the cost so you don’t have to worry.

What’s the difference between a BriteCo policy and a renter’s or homeowner’s policy?

Generally, a BriteCo policy has much more extensive coverage. A BriteCo policy will cover loss, theft, damage, and mysterious disappearance. Most homeowners policies won’t cover loss or mysterious disappearance. You’ll also receive limited theft and damage coverage with most homeowners policies. This may not seem like a big deal now but it’s a huge deal upon a claim.

While bundling your home and valuables policy may seem like a good idea on the surface, there are pitfalls. If you have a claim, it counts against your homeowner’s policy. This means that your homeowner’s company may raise your rates or non-renew the policy after a valuables claim. Additionally, your homeowner’s company may report this claim to a national database that keeps track of your claims history for up to seven years. So even if you shop for another homeowners company, you may end up paying higher rates because of claims with a prior company.

BriteCo does not share any claims data with homeowners insurance companies nor with any national claims databases. Jewelry claims with BriteCo don’t affect your rate or eligibility with homeowner’s insurance companies.

You can check out this coverage comparison chart to see how BriteCo stacks up here.

Insurance vs Warranty. What’s the difference?

At first glance, a jewelry insurance policy and a warranty look similar, but they’re meant to cover very different things. Warranties are extended service plans that cover minor wear and tear of an item. For instance, warranties will cover a small prong retip or small scratches on a piece of jewelry. Warranties, however, will not generally cover major damage, loss, theft, or disappearance. Insurance gives you full coverage for loss, theft, minor or major damage, and mysterious disappearance. You’ll certainly want complete insurance coverage in the instance something significant happens to your valuable piece of jewelry or watch. Warranties simply can’t offer you this kind of coverage.

What assurances do I have about the company’s financial strength?

BriteCo’s insurance policies are backed by a larger financial group with over $100 million in surplus. The group has a Financial Strength Rating of Excellent from AM Best, a leading authority on insurance carrier ratings. There is very little risk of financial default for the company and virtually no chance that claims will go unpaid.

Do you work with my jeweler?

Here at BriteCo we work with thousands of jewelers across the country. We have a huge network of jeweler partners that we work with. Chances are, we already work with your jeweler. If not, we certainly will. Our philosophy is a simple one...we partner with your jeweler to provide you with the best appraisal and insurance experience possible. We’ve streamlined the entire process, making getting coverage quick, easy, and affordable. That’s one less thing you need to check off your to-do list.

How does BriteCo work, exactly?

We have completely revolutionized the appraisal and insurance process - both for jewelers and consumers. For consumers looking to insure fine jewelry such as an engagement ring and wedding band, BriteCo provides a fast, easy and affordable way to get an instant quote for replacement jewelry insurance from their desktop, tablet, or smartphone in 60 seconds or less. By providing basic information, answering a few questions, and selecting payment options, our customers can be fully insured worldwide for loss, theft, damage, or disappearance in under two minutes. Please check out our reviews to read how quick and easy it is.

Are there limitations on the types of risks BriteCo accepts?

Yes, there are limitations on the risks BriteCo accepts. The following risks are prohibited:

  • Items or schedules of especially high value

  • Non-jewelry items

  • Applicants residing outside of the United States.

  • Applicants who reside at a temporary address

  • Applicants who live in a retirement home or nursing home

  • Loose gemstones

  • Flashy, heavy, or ostentatious pieces

  • Jewelry with intrinsic design faults

  • Smartwatches, imitation watches, or all watches with after-market work

  • Materially damaged jewelry

  • Commercial activity

  • Jewelry without acceptable documentation

How do I add and/or delete items from my policy?

You can update your policy including adding new pieces by logging into your online account.

Once you’re logged in:

  • Click the view icon to open your active policy

  • Click on the Add Additional Items to Policy button. This is available in the banner in the middle of your homepage and next to boxes itemizing your currently insured items.

  • Add the items needed using the plus symbol "+"

  • Click on Next button to confirm the policy has the correct pieces.

  • Click Edit about me link to update any new information. Click the Update button.

  • Click the This information is correct to confirm your details.

  • Click Go to payment to update your policy

And here's a 90 second "tutorial" video that shows how to log into and make any number of changes to your account including adding and removing pieces. We cleverly opted to call it, How To Update and Make Changes To Your Account

Please be reminded that the adding of new pieces as always is subject to review by our underwriting team.

*If you’ve been referred to us by one of our 3,000 nationwide jeweler partners and would like to add additional items, you can log in to your online account and use the chat feature in the right hand corner to upload a time stamped photo (a photo with the current date and your signature) and appraisal/detailed receipt along with a request to add item to your current policy.

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